What are Some Mistakes Beginners Should Avoid in NBA 2K21?

The new NBA 2k21 is here and with it comes changes. Therefore, it's by no means an easy game, particularly for newcomers to the sports franchise. What are some mistakes beginners should avoid? You've come to the right place. Our NBA 2K21 Beginners Tips will get you up to keep you competing at an elite level so that you can start dominating the court in no time.

Not Knowing How To Grind For VC

VC is important enough that players should know how to get it quickly without spending real-life cash.


1). NBA 2K21 App

The NBA 2K app is one of the easiest ways to earn free VC in the game. With this app, you can get VC just by logging on daily. Of course, it also includes other rewards, such as NBA 2K21 MT. At the same time, you can earn more by playing the mini-games within the app.

2). Answer the questions on 2KTV

2KTV is another easy and efficient way to earn VC in NBA 2K21. All you have to do is answer questions that appear on each episode of 2KTV. Like the app, this one of the easiest methods to earn VC without actually playing the game.

3). Play the Daily Spin

In MyCareer mode, the neighborhood has some of the easiest and least time-consuming ways to earn VC fast. The Daily Spin is one such method, which can be found at Jeff's 2K Arcade in the neighborhood. Inside, you will find a wheel that you can spin each day for free daily prizes. These rewards include VC.

4). Test your basketball knowledge

Also located in Jeff's 2K Arcade, this is another effortless method that you can use to fatten your 2K VC wallet. During the NBA season, you will have the opportunity to pick the winners of every real-life NBA game being played that day, with each correct choice winning your VC.

5). Play MyCareer games

Finally, playing MyCareer games is still one of the fastest ways to earn VC in NBA 2K21. Every MyCareer game gives you a guaranteed salary, and if you play well, the bonuses and rewards are much more lucrative than in the other game modes in NBA 2K21.

While there are many other ways to earn the critical currency in the game, using these methods is the easiest and fastest way to get VC in NBA 2K21.

Not Knowing How To Pass Well

When people in sports movies say "get back to the fundamentals," they are actually providing some seriously good advice. Hitting up Practice mode to learn how to do it right is vital to finding success.

Learning how to use a pump fake just like a pro baller will throw opponents off guard and make it easier to make breakaways towards the hoop. Clear shots are always easier to make after all!

Not Understanding Dribbling


Dribbling is one of the harder skills to master in NBA 2K21. Aside from hours of practice in the gym, there are many other important factors to help you to become a better dribbler which many 2K players neglect.

Two moves that are particularly effective are the Behind the Lower Back and the Splitter. Start with mastering these and build on up towards knowing when all the other moves work best.

Not Caring About Badges

Badges allow you to select and improve the abilities most suited to your play style. Knowing what badges players have is vital to getting the most out of any situation. They change the playstyle that works best, so fans need to choose wisely when picking which ones they wish to use for their MyPlayer characters. It does take VC to build up stats in The Neighborhood, so it makes it that much more important to choose smart badges from the get-go.

Not Standing Your Ground

Penalties are just as important in virtual basketball as they are in real life. If you're faced with someone who can make great plays towards the hoop, standing your ground and forcing a charge can make the difference in the clutch. By holding Circle/B, you plant your feet and stand your ground, meaning if the opposition is running hard for a layup or dunk and they knock you over, they likely make an offensive foul, and possession is given back to you.

This won't always work to get the foul, but it's certainly worth trying as it's a great way to get back on offense quickly.

Not Posting Up

The best offense is a good defense so it's important to know how to avoid it to still get shots in. Whenever you're off the ball on an offensive break, pressing L2/LT enables you to turn your back to a defender and post up. This allows you to receive the ball with a low chance of a turnover.

Especially with powerful players on the court, this will also push defenders back, which can allow for a quick moment to take a shot at the hoop. L2/LT also works wonders in defense, as it enables you to guard with more intensity, letting you stick closely to both the ball carrier and the player you are marking with added pressure.

Not Taking Clean Shots

Players taking shots while heavily defended will find themselves disappointed when they totally miss. It's important to take clean shots as while the person behind the controller can see the hoop, the player on the court cannot with bodies in front of their face.

In MyCareer, find free space around the perimeter or call for other players to provide a screen (L1/LB) so you can move into open space. This allows you to shoot without having someone potentially blocking your shot or forcing an airball.

Not Knowing Players Hot Zones

Hot Zones

There has never been more of a focus on player Hot Zones or Badges as in NBA 2K21. Due to the new shot meter providing a tougher challenge, learning your player's optimal shooting zones are vital in hitting successful shots. It's good to hit up Practice Mode to try and gain some muscle memory on where to shoot to make scoring points more consistent.

Keeping The Shot Meter On

Many players are finding that keeping the new Shot Meter on in the game actually makes timing harder as it's a bit distracting on screen. Heading into the options and turning off the new shot meter enables you to focus more on the jump of your player. This provides a more natural approach to shooting and takes away the distraction of focusing on the new meter – which can at times be too small to see properly. If you decide to turn the meter off, make sure you let go of the Pro Stick (or shot button) just before you reach the peak of your jump for the best timing.

Not Practicing Taking Shots

Pro basketball players practice their shooting skills every day so players wanting to succeed should do the same. Unlike previous titles, there is a new shot meter in NBA 2K21 that requires some precise work with the Pro Stick to get right.

It takes a while to get the timing just right so players should be sure to practice. Plus, completing shooting challenges in MyCourt can help players get free VC which is incredibly useful in the game.

Do you know of anything else new players should be aware of? Let us know in the comments section! Also, want to learn more about the NBA 2K21 Guide? Please visit here.


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