How to Play Better in NBA 2K20 MyTeam

NBA 2K20 has just been launched, fans are ecstatic! And NBA 2k20 MyTeam is one of the most popular modes in the game. If you're starting NBA 2K20 MyTeam mode, you should read this article for all the tips that might be helpful to you.

Clew 1, Know your preference

You know what team and players you like, but what about your play style? Do you prefer shooting threes or playing in the post? Are you going to run screens on the ball for shooters or focus on rolling as the big man? These are the questions you need to ask yourself before you start building your MyTeam roster.

Every player has a strength, but you should spend your time building to your strengths early, and not try to build an overall solid roster - that will put you smack into a mediocre team.

In that regard, you should also try to unlock the Auction House early, that way you can sell the cards you don't like and use those resources to invest into ones you can use to get better.

Clew 2, Set VC Budget Parameters

VC isn't going to be a major part of your plan when you're not willing to spend real money in the mode. However, you can still spend and earn VC in MyTeam that you earn from playing other modes. MyCareer, Play Now Online, MyGM, MyLeague and other modes all reward players with VC.

You up to use VC in MyTeam. If you're willing to use some of your hard-earned VC in MyTeam, decide how much you're willing to use in the model, and how much you'll save for MyCareer. Because VC won't be the major currency used with this MyTeam plan, I'd advise the 70-30 or even 75-25 split with the lesser amount going to VC.

Clew 3, Set Budget Parameters for MT

You only earn MT in MyTeam, and there are a number of ways to get it this year. You get it by doing just about everything in the mode. Don't spend it as soon as you get it. Of course, if you don't want to spend too much time, you can also buy NBA 2k20 mt, I suggest you choose, which is a legal and safe store.

Both pack openings and the auction house are great ways to add to your team. Unfortunately, you can’t buy the huge box sets of packs with MT.

You can buy single packs, though you won't get as much for your MT. Still, it provides you a chance to pull some of the best cards in every set. I like to use a 50-50 split between auction and packs. It allows me to structure the pursuit of great cards.

Clew 4, Set an MT and VC Paydays

This is a very important part of the plan. It's not really wise to spend MT and VC every day, or whenever you hit a certain amount. Discipline yourself to use those percentages we talked about before, and to only spend on one day per week.

If Friday is your MT and VC paydays, that's the day you should be going to the auction house, and buying packs.

One of the most underrated tools 2K has provided for navigating MyTeam is the Agenda. It helps to establish a daily, weekly, monthly and lifetime goal for MyTeam. It also winds up being a road map to acquiring a ton of rewards and MT. Lastly, it encourages the gamer to try some things that might otherwise ignore.

Clew 5, Hold your currency but sell cards

Don't even think about being a collector early on. None of those collector rewards are going to be even close to obtainable if your team is bad, and you can't compete with better players to earn more VC and MT.

Likewise, don't just sell cards to buy packs for the sake of opening them. You should save that currency and build up to buying cards individually.

Clew 6, Contracts and Equipment

2K has contracts for every player card you get. Once a player uses up all of their contracts, they need to get more before you can add them back to your roster.

If you end up opening a lot of packs, you are bound to have spares lying around, but if you don't, make sure to have a secondary lineup ready. Even if you end up selling some of your decent players to help fund your starting lineup, always make sure you have a second team in the wings ready in case of emergencies.

And much like how contracts work, there are pieces of equipment like shoes, wristbands, and other things like that players can wear to get bonuses in attributes and occasional boosts to their badges. This is an easy way to make a bad player slightly better in times of need.

Clew 7, You don't need to play like everyone else

The fastest thing you will learn while playing MyTeam against other players online is that most people only care about winning at any cost. Play the way you want to in NBA 2k20. If you want to win, study the best ways to optimize your play and go from there. Otherwise, find how you like to play and enjoy yourself.

Clew 8, Play Everything

I highly encourage you to play every game within the MyTeam mode. There's no part of the model that gives you as many cards as Domination. Triple Threat is great for quick-hitting action with solid rewards and a chance to score big in the vault.

Triple Threat Online gives you the quick-hitting online action with rewards from ball drops, while MyTeam Unlimited is the ultimate head-to-head experience in MyTeam with the potential to gain more than 1,000 MT per contest.

All of the modes give you an opportunity to evolve your Evolution cards. It pays to be diverse.

Clew 9, Domination is the best way to earn Tokens

The advantage of this mode is that it's the best way to earn Tokens. The value of Tokens cannot be understated; by gaining 30 Tokens, you'll be able to upgrade your Emerald Tier cards into Sapphire Tier cards, and the advantage of these upgraded cards is that they are essentially on the same level as a base Amethyst card. Although a bit of a grind, the Tokens earned can help you gain access to higher tiers without the need for spending MT or VC.

Another advantage of Domination is that, as you progress through the mode, the rewards get better and better. You'll be rewarded players, some of whom are worth their weight in gold; the type of card that a collector would definitely want.

Clew 10, Don't Chase Every New Card

You don't need every new card to compete. Often times your Pink Diamond, Diamond or even Amethyst-powered lineups can take down opponents with higher ratings. In some instances, the rating differences are minute, but the different color card sends people into a frenzy.

Have a strong understanding of the kind of style you like to play, the players who have the most manageable jump shots, and other characteristics that work well for you. An Amethyst with a jump shot motion that you have nailed it better than a Pink Diamond player whose release is a little funky.

MyTeam is an evolving game that doesn't sit still and always forces players to adapt to new CARDS. This article will cover all NBA 2k20 MyTeam details, how to get more NBA 2k20 Free MT or VC, or spend money on specific players or not, NBA 2K20 MyTeam tips and tricks, etc.


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